I have only two things to say about yesterday’s “teabagger” protests


First: Yes, I giggled like the middle-aged schoolboy I am at the name.

Second: Remember all those anti-Iraq war protests from six years ago? All those giant puppets and silly costumes? Remember how many people(including me) thought they were a ridiculous freak show?

Those people were right.

And I was wrong not to see it. Sure, I looked at them and thought They don’t represent me, but they didn’t have to, and it was narcissistic of me to think they should. They were in the right, and we would be in a better place right now if we’d listened. I would be in a better place.

So, yeah, the tax protests yesterday (I passed a small one on my bus ride home yesterday) had a bunch of silly signs and whatnot, but I’m not going to assume that makes them wrong on the issues[1]. I’m not planning to make that mistake twice.

Having Glenn Fucking Beck on their side makes them wrong, but that’s a post for another time.