Game of Cages will be coming out on the last day of the month, so I’ve decided to hold a special month of book giveaways. Every day (unless I screw up, which I probably will) I’ll give away a book or themed set of books to someone who asks for it. To enter, you have to comment on this blog or on my LiveJournal–email, Facebook, and Twitter won’t count, and if more than one person speaks up, I’ll roll a die to determine the recipient. U.S. residents only, please.
You get a new book every day, and on the last day of the month I’ll give away my own.
Four ST:TNG novels, including The One Important One, Imzadi. Isn’t that the one that everyone loves? If you want them, speak up!
Update: No one spoke up for these books! I’ll hold onto them until the end of the month. If someone wants to claim them, first come first served. If no one does, off to the library they go.