Announcing a month of book giveaways! Day 19


Game of Cages will be coming out on the last day of the month, so I’ve decided to hold a special month of book giveaways. Every day (unless I screw up, which I probably will) I’ll give away a book or themed set of books to someone who asks for it. To enter, you have to comment on this blog or on my LiveJournal–email, Facebook, and Twitter won’t count, and if more than one person speaks up, I’ll roll a die to determine the recipient. U.S. residents only, please.

You get a new book every day, and on the last day of the month I’ll give away my own.


Pretty self-explanatory. Want it? Let me know.

Update: This book has been won.

2 thoughts on “Announcing a month of book giveaways! Day 19

  1. Christine

    Wow…just finished Child of Fire and came looking for you so I can get more…only to find out this is the first? Seems like there is some MAJOR back plot with Annalise and Ray…so, is there a book coming out? What did I miss? LOL. Can’t wait for August – is this REALLY the first book you wrote – awesome!

  2. Christine, thank you very much! Book 2 comes out in a week and a half, and I hope you like it twice as much.

    Be sure to tell folks about it! Word of mouth is crucial for writers just starting out.

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