It’s the things you think you know but are wrong.
For ex:
Me: Twitter says you were right.
Wife: ::stares at me, laughing::
Me: I would still do it the same way, though.
Wife: I know.— Twenty Palaces Kickstarter Going Right Now (@byharryconnolly) July 23, 2019
Everyone was telling me that five cents a word was too low, and I kept responding by saying some variation on, “SFWA set the minimum pro rates (for short fiction) at five cents a word. That’s the number I’m going to use!”
Except I was wrong.
As pointed out to me by another author (and if you have a middle grade fantasy reader in your life, or if you like historical fantasy with lots of Big Romance, you should definitely check out Stephanie’s books) SFWA changed the minimum pro rate months ago. I should have gone with eight cents a word.
Which is hilarious to me. It would have been the work of sixty seconds to check that, but it never even occurred to me that I should.
And of course, nothing has changed about the Kickstarter or the books I’m planning to write, except now I have to explain to my wife that she was totally and absolutely write all along, and with a little more smarts I would have done what she wanted me to do.
Anyway, as you can see by the embed below, one novel is already paid for. You can help make a second happen by pledging $4 or more. (Which gets you two ebooks)