Hey, I haven’t mentioned this before, but I have a mailing list.
At this point it’s, like, nine people, but it exists. I’ve used it once so far to announce the pub day of Game of Cages.
If you would like an email letting you know when Circle of Enemies (or anything else of mine) publishes, shoot me an email to harry at the URL above sans double u’s, by which I mean harryjconnolly.com. (I type it that way to avoid spam harvesters, sorry.) Alternately, drop a comment in this thread on the main blog and type out the appropriate email address in indicated form.
And that’s all (for now)
Put me on the list please. robthesequel@aol.com
Add me to the list. Will there also be writing tips, recipes and pie?
I’m not much for writing tips and I have no idea how to send a pie through email, but recipes might not be a bad idea!
I too would like to join your list – gaz at empiricalonly.com.
My girlfriend just finished reading ‘Child of Fire’ and ‘Game of Cages’ and literally the first words out of her mouth were ‘Is there another one?’. I think I’ve introduced your books to another fan.
Thank you! And I’ve added your name to the list.