No real post today


I’ve been more scarce that usual lately, I know. I spending that time writing, so hopefully people are okay with it.

The post I would have written here is actually up on the site. It’s about the Harry Potter movies, and it’s very very serious. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be showing up on the main Suvudu site, and I’m not going to sit here trying to figure out how it works when I could be working.

As for me, post-vacation leg pain has dropped to the usual levels and I’m planning a couple of nice long walks today. Unfortunately, it’s cloudy and 54 degrees outside. Fucking Seattle.

4 thoughts on “No real post today

  1. Steve

    I enjoy reading your blog, but I enjoy reading your books more.

    Also, when *I* lived in Texas we didn’t pussyfoot around below the 100s like that. Just saying.

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