Randomness for 7/10


1) Ever wonder why the left protests G8 and G20 meetings? It’s because of this sort of thing.

2) Rick Riordan goes from adult midlist mystery writer to bestselling kids author. How sad is it that I didn’t even *know* the dude wrote mysteries for adults?

3) Furniture designed for small spaces. These designs are fantastic.

4) Lady Gaga in everyday situations.

5) And you thought authors got a small cut: How much do musicians really make?

6) This randomness collection is more political than most: Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom in comic book form, which first appeared in 1945. BTW, did you know that Hayek thought we should have universal health care?

7) Quote of the day: “…it’s an easy, quick read, suitable for wallowing in decadence for a day on the beach and then entirely forgetting about afterward. Alternatively, one can forget about it ahead of time — and that’s what I recommend.” Andrew Wheeler, reviewing Bret Easton Ellis’s Imperial Bedrooms.