Reviews, part 19


The latest reviews.

1) Andrew Wheeler liked Game of Cages very much: “And, if Harry Connolly can keep his plots this gripping and Ray’s dilemmas this compelling, he’s on track to be one of the important fantasy writers of the next decade, someone who can help lift urban fantasy out of its wish-fulfillment rut.

I can’t say how happy I am to being compared to Dennis Lehane(!)

2) Screenwriter Bill Martell says he couldn’t put it down. “Okay, I’ve finished reading Game of Cages, and it rocks!

3) Ophelia at Karissa’s Reading Review gave Game Of Cages four out of five stars, although she thought it was too fast-paced. She’s still planning to pick up the next in the series, though: “The action is again very well written and relentless. This is a book that is hard to put down, it shoves you from one action scene to another and leaves you breathless.”

4) LiveJournaler firstfrost give Child of Fire 4 stars: “… it was definitely creepy.

5) Beth at Library Chicken (!) gave Game of Cages a B+: “The characters in Connolly’s stories seem very real, especially Lilly.

6) I will break my moratorium on reviews for this one by “M. Soar” who gave the book 4 stars but thought it was a little violent. However, the quote I’m offering is this one: “Kindle review – no errors in format on my K3: a nice clean copy. Thank you, Del Rey Books!

Yes, thank you for that, Del Rey. I haven’t seen my book on the Kindle, but I do know the physical book is beautiful to look at. It’s really a well-designed package.

7) Nicholas Kaufmann gave Child of Fire a great big thumbs up: “The worldbuilding in this novel is wonderful. Connolly manages to avoid getting overly expository, which is hard to do with a world this rich, and lets the reader piece things together for him- or herself.

2 thoughts on “Reviews, part 19

  1. Rob Smith

    I bought your new book on it’s release day but just now got around to reading it. Halfway through now and it’s rocking. I am missing Annalise’s raw meat eating ways though.

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