State of the Self Address


It’s been a week since I screwed up my knee. Things are much improved, but I’m still a bit hobbled. I can bend my knee now, but not all the way. It also feels mostly swollen rather than deeply painful. It’s not a miniscus tear, since I can put weight on it. In fact, I can walk pretty well on it as long as I don’t get too ambitious and try to leave the apartment. In essence, it has improved to the point that it is back to the usual pain/impairment levels, although at the “bad” end of those levels.

In other news, the basic shape and structure of the fourth Twenty Palaces book fell into place over the long weekend, and like most revelations of this sort it looks so obvious in retrospect that I feel stupid for not putting it together sooner. As I said on Twitter, it’s all uphill from here but at least I know what hill I’m tackling.

And yeah, the new tag below is the working title for book four.

6 thoughts on “State of the Self Address

  1. janet

    I hope you are wearing some sort of brace on your knee. It would not be fun to further injure it just as you start to get around!
    OK, I can wait for book #3 since you have #4 floating in your synapses. Though I think Jim should just wait for you to get CoE out’s only right.

  2. janet

    OK, I was just being sarcastic and snarky with the last line there to hide my disappointment. sniff.

  3. Maybe you should drop an email to his publisher and explain the situation. :)

    And I do have a brace around here somewhere. I stopped wearing it because I was doing pretty well. I’m going to put it back on now; good idea.

  4. janet

    Yes, I’m nagging as only a burned-out hospice nurse, now feral hermit. We are never as bossy as some of the others..snert.
    I think I will e-mail Jim publisher. They can send their goons if they find my e-mail presumptuous. hee.

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