The Way into Audio


Back in 2013, when I was looking at stretch goals for for my Kickstarter project, a number of people asked for audio books. I didn’t go that route, mainly because I don’t know much about them. I don’t listen to them and I don’t know much about how they’re made except that it’s expensive and it sounds terrible if it’s done badly. Frankly, on top of everything else, it was too much.

At the time I said I hoped that an actual audio book publisher would step forward. And they did:

In case that iframe doesn’t show: The audio book is up for pre-order through Amazon. And also on / Audible UK.

The release date is August 9. Book 2 releases later in August and Book 3 in September.

Also! The books will have “Whispersync”, which means that, if you also buy the Kindle edition from Amazon, you can switch back and forth between ebook/audio book without losing your place. Which is a pretty cool thing that I knew nothing about before now. Also, owning the Kindle edition lets you buy the audio book at a reduced price. Check it out.

If you’re one of the folks who was hoping for an audio book, here you go.