I’m not a part of Writer Beware, but I think they do great work. So I was surprised to see that they’re taking a fair bit of abuse from someone (or someones) called The Write Agenda. I guess it first came out while I was on my internet fast.
I don’t know Ann Crispin at all, but I’ve been a fan of Victoria Strauss for years. I really enjoy her brainy fantasies about zealots and fanaticism, and she was the first professional who ever told me there was something of value in my writing. Of course it was a huge thrill for me when she agreed to blurb Child of Fire.
She’s spent years helping writers navigate the minefield of bad/useless agents and publishers. Whoever this anonymous creep at The Write Agenda might be, I support Writer Beware unreservedly.
Keep doing your good work, guys.
Thanks, Harry–I really appreciate it. Can’t wait to read the new book.
It’s the least I can do.
Will be interesting to see if you show up on their banned books lists.
I can hope.