First, we were due to get 2-6 inches of snow last night, but something crazy apparently happened and the snow fell and stuck everywhere but right here in Seattle. I know there are some of you out there who are sick of snow, but I have a little boy here who wants to slide down a hill on a flattened cardboard box. We need some kid weather.
In fact, it’s snowing right now but nothing is sticking. I should probably bring him home a treat.
Second, I’m working on this thing, and it’s taking way longer than it should. Even when I devote hours and hours to it, I only plod through a couple thousand words. Tim Pratt, on the other hand, just kicked out an 8,000 word day (yes we are supposed to compare ourselves to other people, so hmph on you). It’s frustrating and annoying.
Third, with regard to the second point, I’m seriously considering a week-long internet fast. It wouldn’t be enough to finish this project, but it would help. Has anyone done it? What did you think?
I have an acquaintance (a RPG store owner/game designer) who went on a fast as regards twitter, with a cutback on reading email annd surfing the internet, and found just that rather refreshing and energy-gathering. So it can be done and may work for you.
It’s funny, but it often feels as though the reading I do online is a social obligation. That’s ridiculous, I know, but it’s there.