Well, I just got back from the airport after putting my son on a plane. Actually, I hugged him goodbye at security, but you know, 2016. If I’d seen him actually walk down the ramp I would be okay right now, but with my uncertainty that he actually made it on the plane, plus the election, plus everything, I’m feeling sort of stressed.
This is one of the few times I’ve wished we all had cell phones.
But his plane took off more than an hour ago. We would have come home to an email or voice mail letting us know if things had gone wrong. We didn’t. That means it’s all fine, right?
I’m meeting friends for lunch, then I’m coming home with a six-pack of beer and I’m sacking out on the couch with Netflix until the results are in. I can’t hang on the news all day, it’s just too much. I’m feeling really stressed out today.
My kid is on the plane and he’s fine.
I voted for Clinton, and hopefully most of America did the same.
There is beer in my future and possibly also a large pizza.
The world is doing okay.
In case you’re wondering, my son is flying to Denver to spend two weeks with long-time friends of mine to learn AfterEffects and Photoshop. And while he would dump a bowl of ramen noodles over my head if he saw me refer to him as a “baby bird,” he did ask for this trip. I’m happy to give it to him, and incredibly grateful to my friends who have taken him in.
I miss him already.