I have permission from my editor to post the first couple of pages of my proofs online. For those out there who have never seen them (like me before last Thursday) click on the link below, if you’re curious.
Assuming the cut works. (eta: it works!)
Here’s page one, with the really nifty chapter heading along the top. I think it looks great. Click on the image to see a larger version, if you want.
And here are pages two and three, both side by side. They look a lot nicer on the page than some other books I could mention1 Once again, click on the image to see a larger image.
They look beautiful to me.
Although as I go through it one last time, I want to rewrite the whole thing. I won’t, of course. It’s just my stupid brain trying to sabotage me again, but still, the urge is there.
1 Which reminds me that I have other odd little books to scan and post.