More great news!


Things have been crazy busy today (what with day-jobbing and solid progress on The Buried King) but I have to share this: Child of Fire is going to get a second printing!

B&N ordered several thousand more copies so they can shelve it with Game of Cages in a freestanding pyramid fixture. Both books will be available for new readers! It sold well enough for B&N to order more! Freestanding display for both books!

Damn, it’s been a good couple of days.

5 thoughts on “More great news!

  1. RKB

    I don’t have much to say other than CONGRATS and THAT’S SO FREAKIN COOL! :-) Second printing is nothing to sneeze at. Next stop, NYT bestseller list! After that, lets try for hardback! :-)

  2. Thank you! It’s funny, but some people hate when a series starts in paperback and moves to hardback. The books don’t match on their shelves. :)

    But thanks! I’d love to be in hardback.

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