You know what’s nice? Taking it easy. I’m not a kid anymore and we’re in Portugal for a full month. I don’t need to rush every day. In fact, a little downtime to get some writing done is just the thing.
I spent the morning working quietly in the lobby of the Residencial Uniao, our “guest house.” The chairs were very comfortable, and for once I didn’t just nod off in one of them. Then we caught a train back to Lisboa, carried all our stuff into my sister-in-law’s apartment, and I fell over into a deep sleep for several hours.
That eventing we had leftovers from the fridge: chili, octopus and rice, good bread…
Actually, have I talked about the bread in Portugal? The local word is pão.
It’s incredible. As troublesome as we sometimes find the food here, the bread is always first-rate.
Anyway, we played another game of iota, then had quiet time. A day off. It was nice.
Here’s a picture of an old building. If you like decayed places, Portugal is the place for you.