1) Five skiffy death sports you can host in your own home. Reader, I lol-ed.
2) “America sends its best hunks to save the Earth.”
3) Dwayne’s Photo, a little family-owned shop in Parsons, Kansas, is closing down. They were the last processor in the world who could handle Kodachrome film, which Kodak stopped manufacturing in 2009, and now their equipment is going to be sold for scrap.
4) When are we happy? When are we not happy? Video. This one is long, but very, very interesting.
5) How It’s Made: PASS-ta. Video.
6) Robots Speak Out Against Asimov’s First Law Of Robotics.
7) The Most Epic Use of Google Docs Ever (aka Google-doc-based animation). Video.
#4 Interesting..very Buddhist. Accepting things as they are.
Part of me thinks he’s overstating his case, but then, that’s what I *would* say, right?
He is, but it would make a boring video. Also, it is not really a very exciting concept. It might be a hard sell.