As I’ve mentioned before, there are three main ways that readers can keep up with an author’s new releases.
1. Follow them on social media, which many readers don’t want to do. Often they don’t have the time, or they aren’t interested, or they like the books but don’t care about the person.
2. Sign up for the author’s newsletter. If you’re looking at my website right now, the form is in the sidebar. The downside of that is that some authors send too many newsletters, and spam traps sometimes catch them, and readers might miss them.
3. Click that “Follow” button on Amazon. That’s a link to my page, but every author should have one. Downside, you’re only notified when the author puts something new *on Amazon*. Upside, that little thrill you get when the big river tells you about a book and you go to buy it at your local shop.
And finally, there’s a new option:
4. SFWA has created a newsletter to announce new books by its members. It will go out six times a year, announcing books released in the month and the month following of release. Sign up to get it here. SFWA authors, if you have new books to announce, you can do that here. Note that it’s only for upcoming releases, so it’s of no use to me at the moment.
This is such a good idea that it’s a wonder it didn’t happen five years ago. Or ten. And if you’re a reader on the lookout for something to help you break out of the same old same old, here’s your chance to check out authors and genres you might have missed.