While I wait for this endless software update to install, let me post a quick rant: My family and I checked out the major ereaders yesterday and there was one thing the Nook really had going against it: you can’t search by author’s name.
WTF, Barnes & Noble? When I typed my own name into the search field, I got endless returns of Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch novels before I reached my own. Does that make any sense? What if I bought and read an author’s book, then went to buy the next one–shouldn’t that author’s name be a link I can click on to take me to the rest of their work?
Apparently, B&N doesn’t think so. That would sell too many books.
Wow, that’s astoundingly stupid.
The woman working at the booth was all “I don’t know why they did it that way.” She loved her Nook but she also knows it’s a problem.