Yesterday I was making the rounds signing copies of my books and, as I was walking to my first B&N, I pushed up my slipping glasses and heard a tink!
And my glasses fell off my face in two pieces. The metal bridge finally succumbed to fatigue and snapped apart.
How can you tell I’m cool?
Hell yeah.
By the way, none of the B&Ns in town had copies of Circle of Enemies in stock. Hurricane Irene delayed them, I’m told. Can I tell you how happy I am that the biggest bookstore chain in the country won’t stock my books in a great many of their stores until at least a week after it’s come out?
This is how happy I am:
Anyway, my wife “fixed” them by wrapping a wire around the nose bridge and hot-melt gluing it in place. That’s better than tape, I guess? I think she’s mad at me.
Bummer. Yeah, I pre-ordered and mine still isn’t in.
Just thought I’d blame you personally…
I’m willing to take the heat.
Picture me singing that “Anticipation” song from that old ketchup commercial….
I came here to say that I haven’t been able to find a physical copy either. Three stores in two states!
Augh! I’m sorry, Jon. Is there a store where you can have them order it and call you when it’s in?
They all offered to do just that, but the timing is bad since I’m on vacation (I tried two B&Ns and an large indie shop here in Austin– I already miss Borders!). I’ll look again once I head home, or keep looking around here, maybe at a books a million.
Guess what? My pre-ordered copy of Circle of Enemies arrived yesterday. Maybe my mailman will be providing your next burb.
With luck, he’ll tell everyone on his route.