Randomness for 7/30


1) The largest Hot Wheels track ever. Four years in the making and it’s already sold for millions.

2) The 50 most delicious foods in the world. Points off for “Texas Barbecue Pork.”

3) More on joke Amazon.com reviews.

4) Spock is not impressed.

5) The Wesley Crusher Pullover Collection.

6) Dr. Strange villains reimagined.

7) Six pieces of technology SF movies forget about.

8 thoughts on “Randomness for 7/30

  1. Points off for BBQ pork from Texas, which is of course known for its BBQ beef. BBQ pork comes from Tennessee or the Carolinas.

    I’ve never had candied bacon, either.

  2. I /think/, but I won’t swear to the memory, that there was a Thai place in downtown San Jose that used to serve it with lamb. Still tasty.

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